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The Bogle Effect: How John Bogle and Vanguard Turned Wall Street Inside Out and Saved Investors Trillions

The Bogle Effect: How John Bogle and Vanguard Turned Wall Street Inside Out and Saved Investors Trillions


Balchunas, Eric

Regular price $35.00
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The Bogle Effect, by @EricBalchunas (@MattHoltBooks)

The index fund wouldn't be jack without Jack. It was just one innovation fueled by The Vanguard Group founder Jack Bogle's radical idea in 1975 to make investors the actual owners of his new fund company.

Tags: Biography & Autobiography, Business, Business & Economics, Corporate & Business History, Economic History, Finance, Financial Services, General, Industries, Investing, Investments & Securities, Personal Finance, Portfolio Management, Twitter, Wealth Management, Windtrain1 View full details